Our services are developed to bring the community together with a focus on children, youth, individuals, couples, families and senior wellness. We offer customized plans that meet the needs of the family and community.
We Can Help
We provide wraparound services to families experiencing separation and divorce.
We provide wraparound services to families and children who have experienced trauma.
We have expertise in adoption and attachment.
We have extensive experience in supporting children and adolescents.
We understand child and youth behaviour, including high risk youth and parent-child conflict.
We provide couples therapy.
We have relationships and experience in working with First Nation Families and their Communities.
We provide services to our aging community.
We understand critical incidents, the importance of debriefing and the effects of PTSD.
We provide services for alcohol and drug concerns, anxiety, learning and development, gender and sexual identity, eating disorders, depression, Post Traumatic Stress, grief and loss, dementia and head injury.
Engagement Meetings
Facilitated meetings that include family and community members, if appropriate, to explore current life situations, which are affecting wellness. The meetings are a process and usually entail multiple meetings to continue to review progress, opportunity and success. For example a family has a youth struggling with drugs, the engagement meeting would bring together the family, other family supports, and community supports, such as drug/alcohol programming, police, school, probation and parole, etc. This meeting would be used a a forum to develop a family plan. From this meeting individual and family work would take place and then the group would return together to discuss progress, opportunity and success. This is a family and community engagement model of service.
Art Therapy
A form of psychotherapy that uses art making as a tool for self expression, communication and healing. Art expression is therapeutic in nature and often helps people to articulate what they are unable to verbally. Art Therapy provides a confidential space for individuals, families and groups to work through their concerns and to develop new coping strategies.
Individual, couple or family counselling to dialogue life situations and together develop strategies of coping, acceptance, understanding, change, appreciation and forgiveness. Counselling will be in the form of talk, creative approaches, story-telling, activities and mindfulness approaches.
Provide consultation and crisis response to families, schools, lawyers, businesses and organizations related to difficult and critical situations. Ability to review a critical situation with an outside perspective and make recommendations and suggestions. Examples may be supporting a school during a youth suicide or supporting a staff group during the loss of a colleague.
Connector Supports and Community Hub
Facilitating, locating and accessing of services within the community as identified by the individual, family or community. Relationships will be developed with other community members and services, and we will act as connector’s between the family and community and the service. For example if a family needs nutrition advice, a psychologist or support at a school meeting, support in advocating for supports at College, we will facilitate this relationship, locate the service and assist in accessing this service. We will support the process from beginning to completion.
Provide education to the community on identified areas of need, such as bullying, youth suicide, senior wellness, work/life balance, prevention and early intervention etc.
Provide customized creative workshops for the purpose of team building, critical incidents and overall wellness.
Community Programming
Provide for space and facilitate support and educational meetings to meet specific community needs.
Insurance and Rates
Please inquire about our fees when booking your initial appointment.
We accept Cash, Cheque, Credit, Debit and Etransfers
Please email us with any questions or to book an appointment - penetangorewellness@gmail.com
Services may be partially or fully covered by your extended health insurance or employee benefits plan. Some companies we can bill direct!